Newborn Session | Baby Allison

October 14, 2009

Baby Allison has FINALLY arrived! I’ve been anticipating this newborn forever and was delighted to meet her.







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Baby Portraits | Micah @ 6 months

October 1, 2009

First year of baby’s life is so exciting. They change so much – so fast! But my favorite stage has to be when they are 6-7 months old. Babies are so adorable at this age. They sit on their own, socially respond with smiles and are so darn cute.

I’ve been photographing Micah since he was 2 months old. He’s just getting cuter and cuter!

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Hello World!


Love his dimples!




This guy loves his birthday suit. 😉


Newborn Session | Baby Olivia

September 14, 2009

Its raining newborn girls!! Where are the boys at?

Here is baby Olivia’s debut at 7 days old. She joined the world almost 2 weeks ahead of her original due date. I think she was anxious for her photo session. 😉

The french bulldog’s name is Rosco. While Olivia was feeding, I decided to give the little guy special attention. It was his turn to pose in front of the window like his sister. I swear he was posing his good side for the camera.

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Newborn Session | Baby Nori

August 25, 2009

Baby Nori was 10 days precious when I met her. I love getting the chance to photograph newborns within baby’s first 10 days to achieve this sleepy, curled up newborn look that many people love. Here’s sneak peek for mom & dad.


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Newborn Session | Baby Ella

August 16, 2009

My oh my . . . time is passing by too fast. Mason is a big brother! Ella was only 4 days old when I met her and she was wide awake for her session. This girl was ready! I can’t wait to see her grow.


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Newborn Session | Baby Max

June 16, 2009

Remember this little guy? Baby Milo is not so little any more . . . He’s a big brother! Milo welcomed his baby brother Max into this world with a big, juicy, sweet kiss! Awwww~~ Check out how sweet these two brother can be.








Portraits | Micah’s 100th Day

May 27, 2009

In Korean tradition, the first 100 days (Baek-il) is a very special time for parents and a newborn baby. Its the first official milestone for the families of a newborn baby. Back in the day, the survival rates before the first 100 days was minimal but would increase after the 100th day mark. Historically, it became customary for families to wait until the 100th day to officially celebrate the birth of a new child.

Happy 100th day baby Micah. He’s grown so much since his session just a month ago.






Precious newborn baby

March 4, 2009

No matter how packed my schedule gets – I cannot pass up on a chance to photograph a newborn baby. This little princess was 7 days old for her first professional photography session. I had to share some of this sweet infant’s portraits. Enjoy!









7 day old newborn

November 24, 2008

I hope to have many more opportunities in the future to photograph more newborns. This little guy was 7 days old when I met him. SO PRECIOUS!



he even gave me a wink . . .



New Born Session

April 15, 2008

Here’s baby “S” for another photo session. He is sporting knit sets from

basket delivery

blue confetti beanie

matching confetti hat & bootie

baby portrait

gray pom pom beanie

gray beanie